Saturday, March 18, 2023

 March 18
I must always be of service, but I must be first Christ’s servant. As a Christian, I cannot bury what has been entrusted to me and remain a faithful servant. I cannot at one and the same time speak in Christ’s name while hiding Christ’s light.

As a Catholic, I must be rooted always in the Truth as Christ revealed it, as the Church has Magisterially articulated it, and as the saints have exemplified it in their lives. A “placatory” Catholicism –a Catholicism which concedes to others the right to define Christ’s teachings for themselves, and thus concedes that right to the world, the flesh, and the Devil– is a bankrupt Catholicism. These Catholics only hastens their own irrelevance.

Within the Church, in every era, some have wished to exchange the Way, the Truth and the Life for mere personal comfort and worldly acceptance, as if truncating the Gospel somehow would extend the Church’s mission. They contrive as did Satan Himself to make Christ bow down and worship what is false in order to gain the whole world.

There is no room in heaven for those who concede that Christ is not the Lord of all. There is no room in heaven for those who are unwilling to be joined to Him as completely as His own body, and as intimately as His own bride.