Wednesday, March 8, 2023

 March 8
Come Holy Spirit. Without you there is no life worth living. Therefore, from my doubts, fears, tiredness, and weaknesses I want to invoke you.
Come, Holy Spirit, to water what is dry, come to strengthen what is weak, come to heal what is sick. Amen.

It is not overnight that one becomes a man of God. It takes time. I must accept the stages, the progressions, the slowness, the moments of discouragement, the failures, the obscurities, the delusions, and even the desire to throw it all away. I do not look for the difficult for its own sake. But there are difficulties that are an integral part of my spiritual reality.
I know that this path entails self-denial and sacrifice, but it will be fruitful without comparison if I seek to find you.

Mother Mary, you will make it possible for the Holy Spirit to unite us in a greater and purified love. Help us in this decisive spiritual battle.

Make possible, Lord Jesus Christ, what we cannot achieve alone and allow us to reach the paradise where we will all love each other fully.

Today’s challenge: Pray the Rosary with true devotion.