Friday, March 31, 2023

 March 31 Fri
Jesus shows us that in prayer we can obtain the strength needed to align our will with the Will of the Father and to carry it out.
To be a Christian is to share in the life of Jesus, dealing with him just like our Mother Mary did, like the Twelve did.

The Gospels teach us in many places how to pray: your prayer should be constant, humble. and filled with trust.
Authentic Christian life is impossible without prayer.
Prayer is a personal, intimate, and deep dialogue. Vocal prayer, meditation (of mental payer) and contemplation are all expressions of prayer.

We pray to him as God, he prays for us as a servant, Head of his Mystical Body. Himself unchanged, he took to himself our created nature in order to change it, and made us one man with himself, head and body. We pray then to him, through him, in him, and we speak along with him and he along with us.
Do I devote some minutes in conversation with Jesus, alone, every day?

Jesus spent his life doing good, giving hope to those who had lost it. Jesus shares his mission with his apostles and his disciples –with you and me – to spread the message of salvation.
Accompanying Christ means, becoming a “fisher of men,” to bring the Gospel to the entire world, beginning with the persons closest to you.
How can I do apostolate? First is your example, then your “apostolate of friendship and confidence,” authentic friendship that seeks the good of the other person. You should share with your friends your own personal experience of friendship with Jesus.
When was last time I tried to bring a friend closer to Jesus?