Monday, March 27, 2023

 March 27 Monday
Holy Week is approaching. A time for the conversion of my heart to God. For this reason, during this week, each day, these considerations will follow the pattern of a “spiritual retreat.”
I ask Our Lord for courage to make a sincere examination of conscience, trusting in God’s mercy. Listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit, will help me to make some specific resolutions.

The whole universe, and especially human life, are part of the Creator’s plan, an overflowing of God’s Love. God created me, freely, and He introduced me in his plans.

Why did He create me? For what?
This is what each of us must find out specifically.  He created me to be happy, as a child of God, for ever. He could have created me as a dog or a horse, or not at all. Yet, I am here.
Do I live this “sense” of my divine filiation? Do I live as an adopted child of God the Father, which is a vocation to holiness?

Sanctity is the fullness of love: the only ideal that fulfills my heart. Holiness is both a gift from God and an unfinished task. Freely, I want to choose God: “God, who created you without you, will not save you without you” (Saint Augustine).

I should take advantage of the means that God himself, through the Church, has given me: the sacraments and prayer. God wants me to be a saint, yes me, in the specific circumstances of my life.