Thursday, March 23, 2023

 March 23
I love you, Lord, my strength. You, O God, are my strength. I rest in you! I can't do anything, big or small, if you don't help me –and if I do it for Love, then nothing is small! But if I really do my best, God's strong arm comes to strengthen, to temper, and to carry away sorrow; and then the weight no longer overwhelms me.

The things that apparently don't work out, and that make my life difficult, are far more valuable to me than the ones that seem to go effortlessly.

If I don't have clear ideas about this, when difficulties do arise, they will leave me bewildered and distressed. But, if I learn to see God's will precisely in painful circumstances, even if it is hard, and if I love Jesus Christ, realizing that I am a co-redeemer with him, then I will not lack insight, peace of soul, and the strength to do my duty.

Join me in telling Jesus: Lord, we only want to serve you. We only want to fulfill our duty and to love you deeply and truly. Make us feel your firm steps at our side. Be our only support. Thus, nothing will take away our peace. If we live with this confidence, nothing will be able to take away our joy. No one will be able to disrupt our serenity. In this life everything can be solved except death, and for us death is Life.
And, forgive us –all of us– for the offenses perpetrated against you, who are present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist.