Wednesday, June 14, 2023

 Jun 14 Wed
We are united through sharing in the Holy Spirit. If we stop living as mere animals, if we surrender ourselves wholly to the laws of the Spirit, by effectively denying our own life and taking upon ourselves the transcendent likeness of the Holy Spirit who is joined to us, we become transformed into another nature, divinized. We are no longer mere men, but sons of God and citizens of Heaven, through becoming partakers of the divine nature.

  We are all, therefore, one in the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; we are one because we have the same relationship, we are one because we live the same life of holiness, and we are one in receiving the holy flesh of Christ and in sharing the one Holy Spirit. (St Cyril of Alexandria)

The first operation of the Holy Spirit in the Church is the election of its members. This right of “election” is so especially His prerogative, that, as we learn from the Scriptures, it was “by the Holy Spirit” (Acts 1:2) that Jesus chose the apostles, who were to be the pillars of His Church. We have seen how this Holy Spirit began His mission on the day of Pentecost, by the election of three thousand Jews. A few days after, five thousand were added to the number, being converted by the preaching of Peter and John. (Acts 3:4, 4:4).

The original name of the Church, Ecclesia, in Greek and Latin (Iglesia in Spanish) means "those who have been called."

The gentiles, also, were called to the Church; and the Holy Spirit, having led Peter to Cornelius the centurion, descended upon this Roman and his household, thus declaring them to be elected as candidates for holy baptism. To think that the Holy Spirit has “elected” me to be holy!