Friday, June 23, 2023

 Jun 23 Fri
1. From Henry Kissinger: Behind the success of every man there is a woman…it is an old saying.
– I do not believe it. Rather, behind the success of every person (man or woman) there is always a beautiful relationship.

How is the quality of your main relationships?
Our basic relation should be with the Three divine Persons, present in the Sacrifice of the Altar. There, we learn how to personalize our relationship with the most Blessed Trinity, one God in three Persons.

“What other advice do I have for you? Well, simply to do what the Christians who have really tried to follow Christ have always done, and to use the same means employed by the first ones who felt prompted to follow Jesus: developing a close relationship with our Lord in the Eucharist, a childlike recourse to the Blessed Virgin, humility, temperance, mortification of the senses ("it is not good to look at what it is not licit to desire", was St Gregory the Great's warning) and penance.” St Josemaría

Once this vertical relationship is strong, all other relationships (conjugal, paternal, filial…) become strong and stable.

“Even as I have loved you, love one another,” Christ said. His love is the model for ours. And Jesus, perfect God and perfect man, has shown both divine and human love for us. “Jesus is your friend. -The Friend. -With a heart of flesh, like yours. -With eyes, which look so lovingly, which wept for Lazarus...
-And as much as he loves Lazarus, he loves you.”

2. From Pope Francis:  Real love is about loving… and letting yourself be loved.  
It is easier to love than to let yourself be loved.
That is why it is very difficult to have a perfect love of God.

3. From Blessed Alvaro: St Josemaría once said that the worst it can happen is that our love for the others may become not noticeable.
Therefore, let it be noticed; loving each other with supernatural charity and natural affection; with all our heart, without doing strange things.