Sunday, June 11, 2023

June 11 Sun
Today, on the feast of Corpus Christi, we should make atonement to our Lord ... “We should tell him, in a robust way but at the same time with great love, how much we appreciate the faith he has given us. Tell him again and again that we believe in his Real Presence in the Sacred Host, where we know that he is hidden under the sacramental species with his Body, with his Blood, with his Soul, and with his Divinity. And thank the Blessed Trinity for deciding that the Son of God should take flesh in the most pure womb of our Blessed Lady, our Mother.”

There will always be the need to offer atonement to God for the offences he suffers in the adorable Sacrament of the Altar. And we have to respond as St Josemaría suggests: “We should each try to be more faithful to God, and tell him so. This is something very human, my children, and we are creatures of flesh and blood. If I tell you that, with our Lord's grace, I love you dearly, doesn't that make you happy? Well, it makes God happy too. So, let's tell him often that we love him and that we are grateful to him. Let's ask him to forgive our weakness, our failings, and our mistakes; in a word, all the sins we've committed - we're not going to be ashamed to call things by their name. And say sorry to him for the sins of the whole world, and beg him to have mercy on mankind and on the Church.

“About the personal aspirations that we each make up for ourselves. This is what they are: a word of praise, a cry of wonder, of joy, affection, enthusiasm - a cry of love! - that darts out from our soul like an arrow. It's a way of "chatting up" our Lord, without any of the unpleasant connotations that phrase may have. It's always a matter of love and self-giving.

“See, our Lord is always there in the tabernacle. He doesn't seem to hear us, but really, he's listening to us with such enormous love, with the affection of a father and a mother, concealing his Divinity and Humanity alike. Our Lord speaks when he wants to, when we least expect it, and he says very definite things. And then he stops speaking, because he wants to see how our faith and loyalty will respond...”

Illustration What you can see: the monstrance.
and behind the cloud,
What you cannot see: Jesus, real and sacramentally present.