Saturday, June 24, 2023

 Jun 24 Sat
Mother Teresa said: "If you have no Mary, you can have no Jesus; if you have no heart, you can have no devotion to the heart of Mary. And, you cannot understand the greatness of the love of the Heart of Jesus.”

“The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.”

On one occasion, Mother Teresa was walking next to a very tall priest, and that priest told her: “Mother, you are getting smaller and smaller every day, you are getting shorter.”

Mother Teresa, listening to this comment of the priest, replied: "Father, yes, by getting smaller and smaller, every day, more and more, it will be easier for me to enter the Heart of Jesus, the Sacred Heart of Jesus."

The priest then quoted some of the questions that the Lord Jesus asked the saint that day: "Are you afraid to take one more step for your Spouse, for Me, for souls? Has your generosity cooled down just for a second? Didn’t I die for souls?... Seeing widespread sin, Was your heart never drowned in sadness as was my Mother's? We both gave everything for souls and for you".

The love St. Teresa of Calcutta had for Jesus was embodied in her mission, which is also the mission of every Christian, to remind all, and to give back to humanity its dignity and the meaning of its life, so that all would know that there is a God who loves us and who calls us to be happy.

To do so by finding a place in the heart of Jesus, which is open to all of us. This task is to be done each in his own place and status (married, single, religious or lay person), sanctifying every minute of the day. Be happy at this moment; that’s enough. Each moment is all we need, not more.

‎Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.
God doesn't require you to succeed, he only requires that you try.
And pray. Prayer is not just asking. Prayer is putting yourself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of your heart.