Friday, June 16, 2023

 June 16 Fri
As with Eve from Adam’s rib, Divine Providence determined that the Church should be formed from the open side of Christ crucified and that the words of the Scriptures be fulfilled: “They shall look upon Him whom they have pierced” — a soldier’s lance opened the sacred chest of Jesus. Or rather, my sins did it.

The Blood mingled with water, which poured out from that pierced side, was the price of our salvation. Flowing from the hidden fount of Jesus’ Sacred Heart, it gave to the sacraments their power of giving us the life of grace. And to those already living in Christ it gave them water from the living fount, constantly gushing forth to strengthen and comfort them along the road to eternal life.

Arise, therefore, do not cease your prayer; come to drink, that you may draw water from the Savior’s fountain. Oh, how good and how pleasant it is to dwell in this most Sacred Heart.

See the contrast, Jesus is surrounded with blackness...your sins, my sins.
And yet he shows us his heart ready to forgive.
The red and gold roses is the love of Jesus, overpowering everything.

Your Heart, Jesus, is the great treasure, the precious jewel which we will find in the dug field of your sacred Body. Why would I throw away this treasure? Never will I sin again. Rather I would throw away all my own treasures, my possessions, my thoughts and my affections, and love your Sacred Heart, which will nourish me without fail forever.

I beg you, sweet Jesus, my God, listen to my prayer and answer them. Draw me wholly into your Heart. Lord, your side was pierced to keep an entrance open for us. For this reason, your Heart was wounded, that detached from worldly uproar, we would be able to enter and dwell with you.

But above all, your Heart was wounded so that the visible scar would enable us to see the invisible wound of your love. Lord, how could the intensity of your love be better shown than by this, that not only your Body but even your very Heart was pierced with a lance? Truly the wounds of the flesh showed forth the wounds of the spirit.

Who is there who would not love One so loving? Let us pray that the Sacred Heart may wound and soften our heart still so hard, still so impenitent, and bind it with the sweet bonds of His love.