Thursday, June 8, 2023

 June 8 Thu
Jesus, being God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, is absolutely wise and free in his decisions. Yet his generous sacrifice should move us to ask, "Why, my Lord, have you granted me my freedom; which I can use to follow in your footsteps, but also to offend you?" Then, we realize that freedom is used properly when we use it towards the good; and that it is misused when we turn away from the Love of loves. Thus, we should say, "What do you want me to do, Lord, so that I may freely do it?"

When I was a young teenager, and I had to go to buy some clothes, my mother chose for me, “This shirt is good for you.” I accepted it; it always suited me. Later, when I had to decide the course of my life, I allowed my Mother Mary to choose for me. I invested my freedom on that choice. And here I am.

"Lord, why have you given us this power? Why the faculty of choosing you or rejecting you? You want us to make good use of this power. Lord, what do you want us to do?" His reply is precise, crystal-clear: ‘You shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind’.” St Josemaría

Don't you see? Freedom finds its true meaning when placed to the service of God, infinite Love, who liberates us from all forms of slavery.

Freedom is not inhibition from decision-taking. On the contrary, God wants us to use our freedom to choose what is best… to accomplish ourselves…to be happy forever.