Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Oct 11 Wed - Faith.To believe in Jesus is to become a child of God


Oct 11 Wed
Faith. To believe in Jesus is to become a child of God. The Second Vatican Council teaches us that “only the light of faith, and meditation on the Word of God, can enable us to find always and everywhere the God ‘in whom we live, and move, and have our being;’ only thus can we seek his Will in everything, see Christ in all, whether acquaintances or strangers, and make sound judgements on the true meaning and value of earthly things.”

Faith gives us the true measure of the things of this earth, of people, and events. Everything makes sense when viewed in the context of the divine plan.

Saint Josemaría says: “There are only two possible ways of living on this earth: either we live a supernatural life, or else an animal life. And a child of God … can only live the life of God, a supernatural life. What does it profit someone to have all the riches of the earth, all the extravagances of a satiated heart, all the aspirations of mind and will? What is it worth if it all comes to an end, if it all crumbles away, if everything in this world is mere stage scenery, if afterwards there is eternity for ever, for ever, for ever?”

Faith, hope and charity grow together. “Let us grow in hope, thereby strengthening our faith which is truly that which gives substance to our hopes, which convinces us of things we cannot see. Let us grow in this virtue, let us beg our Lord to increase his charity in us; after all, one can only really trust that which one loves with all one's might. And it is certainly worthwhile to love our Lord.”

Men lie when they say "for ever" in temporal affairs. It is only completely true when referring to the next life; and that is how you have to live, with a faith which makes you taste the honey of heavenly sweetness, when thinking about heaven, which is indeed for ever.

And your flesh? No, it will rot away. Your ambitions? No, they're too small. Your selfishness? No, it's worthless. You have to serve God and love him, in faith, for ever!

Yet the spiritual life is not separate from ordinary life. All our daily activities need to be filled with faith, hope and charity; there is no other recipe for effectiveness, and happiness. 
