Saturday, October 7, 2023

Oct 8 Sun - This world is like a vineyard entrusted by God to some farmers


Oct 8 Sun
This world is like a vineyard entrusted by God to some farmers to cultivate it, and gather the fruit in each season. As the owner went away, the tenants ended up thinking to be owners. All those sent by God to ask for an account were ill-treated and even murdered. Finally, the Son is sent, and him they killed with the illusion of being the only owners.

This is also our sin, often. We believe that our life is totally ours, and that we can decide our future without following any divine indication. Some see God, our Father, not as the guarantor of our well-being but as one who impedes or makes it difficultly our happiness.

Human beings tend to turn these things into gods: power, money, material success, sex... God wants to free us from this idolatry. And to be in God's hands, is a consolation because his hands are affectionate as those of a mother.

Often, we think: Nobody has to tell me what I should do or avoid! I am in charge of my life! And then we eliminate anything that implies effort.

Let's remove this tendency to cut off God and the Church from us. “Let us learn to obey, let us learn to serve. There is no better service than giving ourselves freely, being useful to others. When we feel pride swell up within us, making us think we are supermen, the time has come to say ‘no’. Our only triumph should be the triumph of humility. The joy which comes from forgetting about ourselves is the best proof of love.” (St Josemaría)

To give fruit! This is what the Lord wants from us:
To serve the Lord with joy, precisely in the place we are. If only we forget about ourselves, and try to make the others’ life pleasant with small services.
To strive that nobody feels alone.
To know the preferences of the others, with naturalness, speaking about their favorite topics.
To yield with elegance, and even with sense of humor, when friction comes up, without giving excessive importance to it

All these and so many things more are possible when we do not live dominated by egoism.
We are not the owners of our life but its stewards. If we live thus, “the peace of God, which goes beyond all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

