Sunday, October 22, 2023

Oct 23 Mon - Be faithful, be an apostle


Oct 23 Mon
"Be faithful, be an apostle," St John Paul II told me.

Alejandra Vanney is a lawyer and in the 1990s she moved to Poland, from Argentina, to help the beginnings of Opus Dei's apostolic work in that country.

John Paul II loved people, one by one, and had a universal heart, that led him to love every charisma of the Church. On one occasion I saw how he approached a group of Carmelites, and made a joke to them telling them: “Did you escape the cloister?” I also saw how he became an Italian with the Italians. Specifically, while receiving an Italian family he commented, "But how?" The Nono and the Nona [grandparents] are left standing? And he took care of getting a chair for each one.

He showed great delicacy in dealing with each person. At an audience where I was present, a gentleman was showing him a book. As it was very heavy, it fell to the ground. Instantly those present laughed. The Pope then looked at us surprised and made us notice our lack of charity.

He had a great ability to talk about what was of interest to each group, listening to each person. The bishops were asked about their seminarians, who they were, how they were.

Once I conveyed to him the concern I had, about a person who was far from God. Getting serious, he told me, "Are you praying to St. Josemaría for him?" “Yes, I am,” I said. "Well, trust him," he replied.

Then, with that capacity he had to go from the most sublime to the most human, changing his serious face, and with an accomplice smile assured me: "Don't worry, the Pope will pray for him, also."

When he met my parents, he was very affectionate. As soon as he saw them, he said: "I want to thank you." He was referring to having a daughter fully committed to God, and accepting that she lived in Poland, away from them.

I especially remember the time I saw him with a group of Polish women. He strongly encouraged us to be generous with God: "In these days Jesus is going to pass very close by," he said, and added: "I ask you that if He asks you to give Him everything, do not say no. I ask you this as the Vicar of the Church. I ask you as the Vicar of Christ, it is the strongest argument I have.”

The last time I saw him, a few days before his death, I told him that he had been with us more than ever, because we had prayed a lot for him. At that point his personal secretary spoke up and said, "The Pope is very happy because he knows he can count on you, the young people of UNIV, even if he cannot see you."
