Sunday, October 1, 2023

Oct 2 - The Guardian Angels


Oct 2 Mon
Speaking of devotion to the holy guardian angels, Saint Josemaría said: "For years I have experienced the constant, immediate help of the guardian angel, even in the smallest material details."

As the ally of our sanctification, our guardian angel constantly helps us. "You seem amazed because your guardian angel has done so many obvious favors for you. But you shouldn't be: that's why our Lord has placed him at your side." He makes up for our ignorance and neglect, and encourages us in the difficulties of each day.

Our life is spent in the middle of the world, at work, and in our daily occupations. We are constantly dealing with our colleagues, our friends and the many others to whom we want to bring the good aroma of Christ, characteristic of a Christian life. Without our angel's company, our mission would be much more difficult. "You say there are many occasions of going astray in such surroundings? That's true, but aren't there many guardian angels as well?"

The presence of the guardian angel gives a supernatural tone to our activity. "If you would remember the presence of your guardian angel and those of your neighbors, you would avoid many of the foolish things you let slip into your conversations."

In moments of temptation, we should go to our guardian angel. For he will not permit you to be tempted beyond your strength, but will bear you up in his hands so that you may get over the obstacles.... Whenever you foresee any temptation or trial, call on the guide, the protector that God has given you for moments of need and affliction.... May you never go away from his hands, forgetting that he holds you up, lest even greater harm befall you.

Our guardian angel will always assist us on our journey towards God. He looks upon the face of God, and will present to Him our prayers, our good desires, our needs. “How joyfully the holy guardian angels must have obeyed that soul who said to them: ‘Holy angels, I call upon you, like the Spouse of the Canticle of Canticles, to tell Him that I am dying with love’."

The guardian angels are also powerful collaborators in our apostolate. They share our zeal for bringing souls to God. The guardian angel of a friend is our accomplice as well, since he ardently wishes to save the person entrusted to his care. "You should try to win over the guardian angel of the person you want to draw close to God, because the guardian angel is always a great ‘accomplice.’ I know some truly beautiful cases."

As usual, we ask with renewed conviction, "My immaculate mother, St Joseph, my father and lord, my guardian angel, intercede for me."

