Monday, October 23, 2023

Oct 24 Tue - Reflections on Psalm 2 (3) - Divine Filiation


Oct 24 Tue
Reflections on Psalm 2 (3) TUESDAY
Meditating on Psalm II deepens our sense of divine filiation.
"Every Tuesday, after invoking the holy Guardian Angel with a request to accompany you in your prayer, you kiss the rosary, as a proof of love for our Lady and to show that prayer is your most effective weapon. And then you recite Psalm Two. I advise you ... to use this text for your prayer on Tuesday. And you will understand, after you have prayed, why this is the cry many repeat on earth, and raise to heaven, before beginning great battles and always."

Saint Josemaría wrote this in 1939, when he was preparing to begin a new stage in the apostolate, which the three years of civil war had not interrupted. He wanted to encourage the handful of his sons who then made up the Work to undertake a daring, boundless apostolate, relying above all on God's grace.

Meditating on Psalm Two always fills us with encouragement. "I want you to prepare for the age-old battle, which is ‘militia and service’ of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church, by praying the Psalm of Christ's kingship with the spirit of a monk and a warrior, for such is the temper of our calling..."

The reflection on Psalm Two should lead us to consider "how God cares for us and is always ready to listen to us - waiting for man to speak," because He loves us as dear children.

The Blessed Trinity's loving providence led the Word to become flesh in order to redeem sinful humanity. As the fruit of his Incarnation, Life, Death, and Resurrection, Christ sent from the Father his most precious gift, the Holy Spirit, who moves us to cry out Abba! Pater! - who identifies us with Christ and makes us God's children.

While meditating on Psalm Two, we contemplate our identification with Christ and ponder God our Father's words:
“You are my son;
today I have begotten you.
Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage,
and the ends of the earth your possession."
St John Chrysostom said: "No longer are we given the promise of lands overflowing with milk and honey, long life, many children, wheat, wine and herds. We are promised the very riches of heaven: divine filiation and brotherhood with the only-begotten Son, a share in his inheritance, to reign and be glorified with him."

Our Blessed Lady, protect our way. My children, Saint Josemaría insists, "invoke our Lady with all your heart, trustingly. Realize that she has been our greatest protector, our greatest recourse, ever since that second of October 1928, and even before then."

