Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Oct 4 Wed - Detachment from the material means we use.


Oct 4 Wed
Detachment from the material means we use.
Our life unfolds in the midst of the world and, like our Lord, we too have to use material means, which are good because they are God's handiwork. However, we have to be detached from these things; nothing should lead us astray from our goal, for as St Paul says: "all are yours; and you are Christ's; and Christ is God's."

Detachment is not only for monks or nuns; it is for all…adapting it to every particular circumstance. With God's help, we should live in the world without being worldly, freely making use of the world's goods, gracefully and with self-mastery, but using them to serve God and souls.

We must therefore love poverty, and show it in countless ways in our daily lives: by fleeing from excessive comfort, or the tendency to get by with the minimum effort; by choosing the worst for ourselves; by taking care of the instruments we use in our work; and by giving up anything we feel our heart becoming attached to.

"No one can be surprised that Opus Dei needs material means for its work. Since its supernatural task of sanctification is carried out among people and for people, the Work must also use ... a minimum of material means. But Saint Josemaría urged: I want you to be determined to stay completely detached from all earthly things, and to handle them only to the extent that they are for God's service and that the Work asks you to do so."

If we are using material means for God's glory, we should use them with detachment and not complain if ever they are absent, cheerfully accepting the consequences. It sometimes hurt…

"While using the means to secure what's needed, may my children be cheerful if ever they have to suffer want!" Therefore, we should have great trust in God, be at peace and tranquil, but we shouldn't lose our sense of responsibility in financial matters. As Saint Josemaría said: "Since our vocation unfolds in the middle of the world, as ordinary citizens, our poverty does not consist in managing to survive from alms: rather, the professional work we each do supplies our material needs."
Intense work is a consequence of our lay mentality and our concern to support a large and poor family. Any responsible father or mother does everything necessary to provide for the family.

We ask our Lord and his Blessed Mother for the grace to have our heart free, not tied to earthly things. Our freedom is shown both in our detachment from material possessions, and in our efforts to find the means for the apostolate, for the good of souls.

