Monday, October 2, 2023

Oct 3 Tue - Envy


Oct 3 Tue
The early workers of the vineyard were envious of the late comers. Envy is a certain sadness which one entertains seeing another’s well-being, thinking that one’s own excellence is in consequence lessened. “I’m sad because you are happy,” or “I’m happy because you are sad.”

If not eliminated, envy leads to hatred, to curse the other, to desire his death or other evil. From envy there spring hatred, grumble, slander, joy at the misfortunes of a neighbor, and sadness at his prosperity.

Envy also produces resentment. People grow envious over somebody’s qualities, such as intelligence, talent, or charm. They envy the other’s height, physique, sex appeal, strength, or other physical attributes. They can even wax envious over other’s spiritual qualities, such as their faith, their hope, or their charity. And so, they reduce the other’s merit, or exaggerate his defects.

The paradox is that envy hurts only the envious person; it does not harm the other. It is like a worm that eats out the heart of the envious man.

But what is the source of envy? – Satan. The Book of Wisdom says that it was “through the envy of the devil that death entered the world, and those who belong to his company experience it” (Wis 2:24). That’s a dash of cold water, isn’t it? When we give in to envy, we are aligning ourselves with the devil against God, and all those whom God loves.

To fight envy we must foster charity, appreciating the qualities of the others. But, above all, we human beings have to give glory to God consciously, by a free decision of our will.

How is a humble man? – He is not the prisoner of any passion. Neither anger nor vainglory nor envy nor resentment can trouble him. And what is greater than a person free from these passions?

The proud man, in contrast, is ruled by all of them, like a worm squirming in the mud. Envy and anger constantly torment his soul. Who, then, is greater, the one who is above his passions or the one who is their slave?
Yet if the winds of temptation rise, if you are in the midst of the reefs and shoals of tribulation, fix your gaze on the star, call upon Mary. If you are tossed by the waves of pride, of detraction, of ambition or envy, look at the star, call upon Mary. If the billows of anger, of envy or lust batter the tiny ship of your soul, look at Mary. Let her name be always on your lips and the thought of her always in your heart. And in order to obtain the benefits of her intercession, do not turn away from the example of her virtue.

