Thursday, October 19, 2023

Oct 20 Fri - Running away from God



Oct 20 Fri
Running away from God
Open your eyes for a moment and you will see your God in tears. Open your eyes and you will see the utter confusion of this age in which we live. In all the history of humanity has there ever been worse chaos? Men and women, young and old, rich and poor, have all run away from their God.

Perhaps, we may think that only the uncultured and the illiterate are ignorant of the ways and precepts of God. Then we turn to men of influence, men of power: we speak to them of God. Surely, they, at least, will know His commandments.
But they are also running madly from their God. And then in their wild, irrational flight they suddenly stumble against the Cross standing dark and lonely in their path. But they keep on, escaping from this Cross.

Where are they going? They have left God far behind, and now they go about searching for something worth believing in, something to quench their thirst, but they do not know where to look for water.

The earth for them is a hateful place, and heaven is so far off. Where are they going? They seek new gods and new creeds. They try to replace the divinity of God, who is our Father, by adoring His creatures.
The ancient cry of the Holy Spirit is still new: "Two wrongs this people of mine committed; they forsook me, the Fountain of living water, and thereupon they dug cisterns of their own, leaking cisterns, that had no water to give them." Jeremiah 2, 13.

And nowadays these leaking cistern-makers are shaping the destinies of the nations of the earth. They know only hate, nothing of love. The education and formation of the men of tomorrow is in their dirty hands, and they vainly promise order and prosperity.

They speak of a great brotherhood to unite the rich with the poor, masters with their servants, children with their parents, soldiers with statesmen. They speak of this great union which ignores Christ, and laughs at His Church. These vain cistern-makers, in their mad escape from God, tell us of new magic "sacraments" which can give life to rotting skeletons!

And you? Have you too forgotten God? Do you realize that right now you are living and working side by side with saints who are trying to build their lives on a new foundation?
Whatever you may think of yourself as an individual, you must realize that you carry within you the possibility, the seed, of a marvelous human life on which the supernatural life — which is grace — can be firmly based, and which will make of you, not just one more man, but a real son of God with all the strength and courage of our prophets.

