Thursday, November 9, 2023


Nov 10 Fri
Surrendering the heart. “You should have your heart in heaven. Only like that can you then put it into earthly things in the right way.” This detachment is difficult because our heart often looks for consolation, and has the all too human desire to feel loved, understood, and forgiven by other people; it goes after earthly compensations.

We need to turn our eyes to Jesus Christ, our Love, and tell him that in spite of our weakness we do want to be his, and only his.

When the longing for compensations grows stronger, when the temptation to human consolation tries to enchain our heart and turn it aside from God's love, we need to think about heaven, the endless happiness that God our Lord has in store for us. “Why stoop to drink in the puddles of worldly consolations when you can quench your thirst in waters that spring up into life everlasting?”

If a person gives his heart to Christ, whole, young, and vibrant, and is seeking him and his glory alone, there will no longer be any danger of attachment to created things. As St Joseph did, he will love people and things for the love of God, with Christ's own Heart.
Surrendering the heart is difficult but it puts an end to miserable compensation-seeking.

“How clear the way is!... How obvious the obstacles! What good weapons to overcome them! -And yet... how much going astray and how much stumbling! That's so, isn't it?

-It's that fine thread – a chain: a chain of wrought iron – which you and I know about, and which you aren't willing to break, and it is causing you to stray from the path, and making you stumble and even fall.

-What are you waiting for to cut it... and go forward?

“When you put into practice all this doctrine, there will be times when you find that words are just not enough: you'll want to break into song, like the young men who go and sing love-songs to their sweethearts. But you and I will sing human love-songs to God's love, and you will feel like the living creatures Ezekiel described to represent our Lord's Evangelists: they darted to and fro, like flashes of lightning; you will go through the world giving off light, like burning torches throwing out fiery sparks.” St Josemaría
