Thursday, November 23, 2023

Nov 24 - Repentance


Nov 24 Fri
For some, God’s command ‘to repent’ has a very heavy and dark connotation. But can repentance lead to something good?

The Hebrew word we translate as 'repentance' is teshuva (תשובה, pronounced "teshoo-vah") and it has a deeper meaning. Teshuva is more than a feeling of guilt or regret; it comes from the verb 'to return'.

Interpreting 'repentance' as ‘being sorry’, makes it sound like more of a feeling than taking action.

But the biblical teshuva, instead of being a state of mind, merely a feeling, it is a decision. It is deciding to turn away from where you are headed, and moving back toward God.

It’s not adjusting our course, but completely turning back around –physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

After realizing his wretchedness and filth in the swine farm, the Prodigal son decided to leave off the pigs. Did he simply go “somewhere out of here”? No. He went to “his father’s house”!

But the process of repentance only makes sense if there is a place we can return to: to God. That was made possible thanks to Jesus, the Messiah. He opened the doors for us to return to the Father (Joel 2:12). He is the Way to the Father…whoever sees me, sees Him.

Whenever you decide to turn around, move toward your Father God; enter his merciful and compassionate heart.

God says: I am the one who reproves and disciplines all those I love: so, repent in real earnest. Look, I am standing at the door, knocking. If one of you hears me calling and opens the door, I will come in to share his meal, side by side with him.

Look at all the events of today as opportunities that Christ gives you to demonstrate your love for Him, and for your brothers, the people. Jesus, I do not want to scatter the graces and gifts that you have given me! Lord, allow me to gather with you. I want to help you; I want to be always at your side, working with you.

“My child, God's grace is plentiful. If at times you have not been very faithful, he continues to watch over you lovingly. Just like a mother who forgets her children's unkindness when a child returns to her affectionately, so too, Jesus forgets what we've done badly when in the end, we go to him with love." Our small daily defeats should help us to trust more in God, and less in ourselves. They help to make us more humble. “High above the storm clouds, we have the sun of divine grace and the smile of our Mother, the Morning Star. And we'll overcome everything, whether in sea or in sky, and we'll be peaceful, happy."

“Even now,” declares the LORD, “return to me with all your heart …”

Don’t we all need new beginning today? Everyday?
