Friday, November 24, 2023

Nov 25 - How to live presence of God


Nov 25 Sat
St. Josemaría advised us to dedicate each day of the week to a solid devotion as a help for our presence of God. “Sunday, for example, is good for praising the Trinity: glory to the Father, glory to the Son, glory to the Holy Spirit. I tend to add, and glory to holy Mary. And... a childish thing, of which I'm not ashamed: to St Joseph too..."

“On Mondays, we can pray for the holy souls in purgatory. There we find souls who are dear to us ... Besides, we see all of them as our friends, our brothers and sisters, since they are almost already crowned with the laurels of heaven, almost enjoying the Love of God: they need a final purification. They're good intermediaries to help us conquer in the little things that make up our normal day of work..."

“And Tuesday? I dedicate it to the Guardian Angels. You can say whatever you want to them, since you're not bound by formulas."

“And Wednesday? It's St Joseph's day."

“On Thursdays, many acts to honor the holy Eucharist: spiritual communions, acts of reparation... Now more than ever, our Lord is offended in this sacrament of Love ..."

“On Fridays, ‘Hail, Holy Cross, our only hope!’ And we feel a pang of conscience for complaining about some suffering or other. What is our suffering next to our Lord's? Greet him on the Cross, offer him words of love: I won't flee from you, I'll embrace you. As soon as we embrace the Cross, and love it, there is no longer difficulty, nor dishonor, nor calumny, nor slander, nor sickness, nor anything. Everything becomes agreeable, nothing is burdensome. For the Cross is not yours or mine but Christ's. As I wrote to you many years ago about my poor experience as a priest, which is abundant: then it is he, Christ, who bears the Cross; it no longer weighs on us. How good it is on Fridays to remember the Cross of Christ!"

“And Saturday? We go to our heavenly Mother, our Lady!"

St. Josemaría made it clear that there is no obligation to follow this particular path, but he added: “What no one should do is to neglect presence of God. If a person does not have presence of God, he won't go well: he won't be mortified, won't be spiritual, nor zealous, nor eager to work. On the other hand, by making this effort, we find ourselves conversing with God at every moment of the day: we live as contemplative souls."

St. Josemaría also said: “Place on your desk, [beside the computer], in your room, in your wallet..., a picture of our Lady, and look at it when you begin your work, while you're doing it, and when you finish. She will obtain, I assure you, the strength to turn your task into a loving dialogue with God."
