Friday, November 10, 2023

Nov 11 Sat - Corresponding to God's Love


Nov 11 Sat
One of the Hebrew words for 'love' is hesed (חסד, pronounced ‘kheh- sed’), which has a range of meanings.

Hesed is a completely undeserved kindness and generosity. The prophet Isaiah 54:10 features these words of God: ‘Though the mountains be shaken, and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love (hesed) for you will not be shaken’.

Hesed is not just a feeling, but an action. With it, the Lover comes to the loved ones, and rescues them.

Hesed is not a romantic, infatuation kind of love. It is a faithful, reliable love. It is like a wife praying, for years, for her husband to know God. It is like parents lovingly caring for their autistic child. Hesed is faithful. Hesed is loyal. Hesed is love put into action.

And most importantly, hesed is the unfailing love God has for YOU. It is one of the most fundamental characteristics of God, consistent with what we know about Him; He never fails to fulfill his part of the Covenant with human kind.

The awareness that we are children of God enables us to face difficulties with optimism. No matter what happens in our lives, God remains our Father. He loves us without limit and counts on our wretchedness, and helps us to be holy, if we struggle. “Your prayer went like this: ‘My wretchedness weighs me down, but it doesn't overwhelm me because I am a son of God. I want to atone, to Love..."

“Carry on like that. I assure you that -with God's grace- you will succeed, and you will overcome your wretchedness and your shortcomings."
We are God's children: nothing can give us greater security in good times and in bad. “Don't be afraid of anything or anyone: nor of God, who is our Father. Don't fear those who can kill your body, who can harm you on earth, but cannot kill your soul."  Divine filiation makes us secure, completely at peace. Nothing, not even our seemingly insurmountable defects, should upset us.

Be optimistic; our optimism stems from knowing that God is watching over us. But far from closing our eyes to reality, we are led to face the obstacles in our path squarely. We see circumstances and events in the light of faith, as they really are. Divine filiation moves us to work hard, to exercise prudence, to look for the best way to overcome difficulties. This is the attitude of the children of God: to be conscientious, responsible, striving to fulfill God's will in everything.

Today, no matter what difficulty you face, rely on God’s hesed.
