Monday, November 27, 2023

Nov 28 Tue - Our gain is giving


Nov 28 Tue
On the Feast of Christ the King, we hear the Lord telling us, in the intimacy of our hearts: I have thoughts of peace for you and not of affliction (Jeremiah 29:11), and we resolve to put right in our hearts whatever is not in conformity with Christ's will. At the same time, we ask him to help us collaborate in this great task of extending his reign around us and in so many places where he is not yet known.

We must be convinced that our gain is in giving. Love, made of concern and service for others, breaks the shell of selfishness, of self, and just as uncovering a precious perfume fills the place with its fragrance, so it also releases the best of ourselves: the love of God that was poured into our hearts on the day of Baptism.

How different everything appears to someone who is not selfish, who gives generously of his time, his human warmth, his respectful, helpful, attentive treatment, his knowledge! When Christians behave in this way, religion ceases to be for others a theory that can be discussed, and becomes a fact that allows us to feel the closeness of Jesus, a prelude to that reign that we celebrate today with the whole Church.

Oportet autem illum regnare…, He must reign... (1 Corinthians 15:25) It is necessary that he reign first in our intelligence, through the knowledge of his doctrine and the loving observance of those revealed truths; it is necessary that he reign in our will, so that it obeys and identifies itself ever more fully with the divine will; it is necessary that he reign in our heart, so that no love may stand in the way of the love of God; it is necessary that he reign in our body, temple of the Holy Spirit; in our work, the way of holiness.

We are to be sowers of peace and joy in the world, our hearts aflame with a burning zeal for souls. Zeal for souls is intrinsic to our mission as co-redeemers. Our Lord wants to use us to draw each and every person to himself, to bring them his love, peace, and joy. He wants us to help him reconcile the world and all noble human realities to himself, and all souls to one another.
St. Josemaría encouraged us to pray often this aspiration: Cor Iesu Sacratissimum et Misericors, dona nobis pacem! “Most Sacred and Merciful Heart of Jesus, grant us peace."

To make our desires come true, we turn once again to Our Lady, the holy Mother of our King, the Queen of our hearts. We ask her that we may know how to build our lives and the lives of those around us, like a river of peace (Isaiah 66:12).
