Monday, November 6, 2023

Nov 7 Tue - Reflections on Psalm 2 (5) - The rebellion of refusing to submit to God.


Nov 7 Tue
Reflections on Psalm 2 (5) TUESDAY
The rebellion of refusing to submit to God.

“The kings of the earth set themselves,
and the rulers take counsel together,
against the Lord and his anointed.”
These inspired words are fulfilled again today. “When we consider, in our times and in those which are to come, the sad condition of so many souls who do not remember that they belong to God, that they are God's children; the lamentable behavior of so many governments, in so many countries; the wounds which the Church bears, in her Mystical Body; the slander and calumny which, on many occasions, have to be endured for love of God; then it is time to meditate on Psalm Two.”

“Let us burst their bonds asunder,
and cast their yoke from us!”
Many people, including those who govern the world, have tried to cast off the yoke of God's law. We refer “not so much to objective moral norms (which are scarcely even mentioned) as to common moral sense.”

“Everywhere we hear the same clamor. They break the mild yoke, they throw off the burden, a wonderful burden of holiness and justice, of grace, love and peace. Such love makes them angry; they laugh at the gentle goodness of a God who will not call his legions of angels to his help.”

“If only God would make a deal, if only he would sacrifice a few innocent people to satisfy a majority of blameworthy people, there might be a chance of reaching some understanding with him. But that's not the way God thinks. Our Father is a real father, he's ready to forgive thousands of evil-doers, if there are even ten just men. People motivated by hatred cannot understand this mercy; they get more and more settled in their apparent earthly immunity, feeding on injustice.”

It is good to remember this. We must not get discouraged by seeing the evil in the world. “We have to be optimistic, but our optimism should come from our faith in the power of God who does not lose battles, and not from any human sense of satisfaction, from a stupid and presumptuous complacency.”

Hopeful and confident! “Stir up your faith in our supernatural mission. Redouble your trust in God and in this sinner whom the Lord has given you as a Father. Thus, we shall win out in all the battles, when we have to fight in the world, with the world ‘that conspires and, plotting vain projects, unites the powers of the world against the Lord and his anointed.’”

Mary, our Mother, Virgo potens, Virgin most powerful, help us to be victorious in the battles of love and peace that we are waging to further your Son's kingdom.
