Saturday, November 25, 2023

Nov 26 Sun - Christ the King


Nov 26 Sun

Christ the King

This feast shows us Jesus as the supreme sovereign before a society that seems to live with its back turned to God. Christ came to establish his reign, not with the strength of a conqueror, but with the kindness and gentleness of a shepherd. With this solicitude the Lord sought out men scattered and alienated from God by sin. And because they were wounded and sick, he healed them and bound up their wounds. He loved them so much that he gave his life for them. The Kingdom established by Jesus Christ comes to reveal the love of God, and acts as a leaven and sign of salvation to build a more just, fraternal and supportive world, inspired by the Gospel values of hope and future beatitude.


Christ appears surrounded by power and glory, and by all his angels, to judge all men of all times. It has often been said that a person is worth what his heart is worth. "At the sunset, you will be examined and asked about your love." Indeed. Jesus will not ask us for the money earned, nor for the social prestige acquired, nor for the professional success conquered, but for the affective and effective love for others: "You gave me to eat...; You did not give me to eat...".


What food for thought in these words of the Lord! Let us think about those "no, never, and no" omissions… About what we should have done or said and didn't do or didn't say… What did not deserve even a minute of our attention… The services we rendered half-heartedly or unwillingly… The alms devoid of a smile, a kind word... An understanding silence, a timely advice… The forgiveness that we did not know how to express… The conversation on religious matters that human respect froze on our lips... The help denied to those in need of material goods, an immense field where the Christian heart could have been poured out!

Dozens of daily occasions to extend our hands, in service, to those around us, and in whom the Lord is!


Today's feast is like a foretaste of the second coming of Christ in power and majesty, the glorious coming that will fill hearts and wipe away every tear of unhappiness. But at the same time, it is a call and a spur for the gentle spirit of Christ to permeate all earthly realities around us. We collaborate in the extension of the reign of Jesus when we try to make the little world around us, the one we frequent every day, more human and more Christian; when we give ourselves totally to this Great King.


If I observe eternity with the eyes of Faith, there you are, seated at the right hand of the Father.

If I glance back at the history of men, I find you establishing a “before” and an “after”.

If I contemplate your Love to the extreme, I recognize the Perfect Man.

If I look around, I find you in the Tabernacle, in the Gospel, and in the little ones.

If I were to enter the Seventh Mansions of prayer, I’d find you in the inner part of my own intimacy.

If I dream of happiness, I think of you.

If I scrutinize my future, I hope to find you, and look at you, face to face, beyond the threshold of death.

Truly, you are the King of the Universe, whether we crown you or sit you on the dock.

And on the last day you will come to close history, resurrect the dead, and examine us precisely about love.
