Sunday, November 26, 2023

Nov 27 Mon - O Mary, pray for us



Nov 27 Mon

The Miraculous Medal

On Nov. 27, 1830, in the chapel (see picture), Sister Catalina Labouré was doing her meditation, when she felt the touch of a silk dress that reminded her of the previous apparition.

 The Blessed Virgin appeared, dressed in white, with a tunic. Her head was covered by a white veil that fell on both sides down to her feet. When she wanted to describe her face, she could only say that it was the Virgin Mary in her greatest beauty.

 The Virgin’s feet rested on a white globe, of which only the upper part was visible. Mary was crushing the head of a serpent that was over the world. She, the Immaculate, has all power from Jesus to triumph over Satan.

Her hands, raised to the level of the heart, held another small golden globe, crowned by a small cross.

 The Blessed Virgin maintained a supplicant attitude, as if offering the globe. Sometimes she looked at the sky, and sometimes at the earth. Suddenly, her fingers were filled with rings adorned with precious stones that shone and shed their light in all directions. At this moment, she was surrounded with such brightness that it was impossible to see her.

 She had three rings on each finger. Rays, which extended all the way downwards, came out from the precious stones of the rings.

 As Sister Catalina contemplated the Virgin, Mary looked at her, and said:

This globe that you see (at Our Lady's feet) represents the whole world. These rays symbolize the graces that I shower on those who ask for them. The pearls that do not emit rays are the graces destined to souls who do not ask.

 With these words Our Lady makes herself known as the mediator of the graces that come to us from Jesus Christ.

 At this moment an oval shape appeared around the Virgin, and on the inner rim, appeared written the following invocation, "O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us, who have recourse to thee."

 The nun heard the voice within: "Have a medal struck after this model. All those who wear it will receive great graces. The graces will be more abundant for those who wear it with confidence".

 The apparition then turned around, and the back of the medal was seen.

On it appeared an M, above which was a cross resting on a bar, and below it the hearts of Jesus and Mary, of which the first was encircled by a crown of thorns, and the second pierced by a sword. Around it there were twelve stars.

 Finally, the Virgin said to Catherine: "From now on, you will no longer see, my daughter; but you will hear my voice in prayer".
