Monday, December 11, 2023

Dec 12 Tue - Our dialog with the Lord has to be constant

 Dec 12 Tue
Our dialog with the Lord has to be constant.
Bartimaeus detained Christ by his prayer. St Gregory the Great teaches that “when we insist fervently in our prayer, we stop Christ who is passing near us.
Our Lord asks the blind man when he approaches: ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ Is it possible that the one able to grant the blind man sight did not already know what he wanted? No, but Jesus wants to be asked ...He asks the blind man, so that the blind man will ask him. He asks him in order to incite him to sincere prayer."

We too strive to foster a dialog, an encounter with Christ, in everything we do. This is our whole life, St. Josemaría told us: “to talk with God, to touch God." We seek to maintain a constant conversation with our God: whatever we do, whether work or apostolate, prayer or rest, we should carry it out with him and for him. Our whole day has to become prayer expressed in good deeds.

Our eagerness for union with Christ, our need to sense his nearness, is not satisfied with the times we set aside daily for prayer. Our unity of life, so much a part of our spirit, impels us to seek God in everything we do.

If the matter for our sanctification is found in ordinary, everyday things. “Every day we should set aside time especially for speaking with God, but without forgetting that our prayer has to be constant, like the beating of our heart: aspirations, acts of love, acts of thanksgiving, acts of reparation, spiritual communions. When we walk along the street, when we close or open a door, when we see a church bell-tower in the distance, when we begin and end our tasks and while we are carrying them out: we direct everything to God. We are obliged to make a continual prayer of our ordinary life, for we are contemplative souls along all the pathways of the world."

At times we can go through more trying circumstances. Then especially is the moment to follow St. Josemaría’s advice: “Raise your heart to God when the hard moment of the day comes, when sadness tries to worm its way into our soul, when we feel the burden of this toil that is life: Lord, have mercy on me, for I have called upon you all the day: gladden your servant, O Lord, for to you I have lifted up my soul."
