Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Dec 27 Wed - Sanctity is the one thing that matters


Dec 27 Wed
Sanctity is the one thing that matters.
St Josemaría: "I remember, many years ago now, I was going along a road in Castile with some friends, when we noticed something in a distant field which made a deep impression on me at the time and has since often helped me in my prayer. A group of men were hammering some wooden stakes into the ground, which they used to support netting to form a sheep pen. Then shepherds came along with their sheep and their lambs. They called them by their names and one by one lambs and sheep went into the pen, where they would be all together, safe and sound."

"Today, Lord, my thoughts go back specially to those shepherds and their sheepfold, because all of us who are gathered here to converse with you, Lord - and many others the world over - we all know that we have been brought into your sheepfold. You yourself have told us so: ‘I am the Good Shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep know me.’ You know us well. You know that we wish to hear, to listen ever attentively to your gentle whistling as our Good Shepherd, and to heed it, because ‘eternal life is knowing you, who are the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.’"

"If you wish to get close to our Lord through the pages of the Gospels, I always recommend that you try to enter in on the scene, taking part as just one more person there. Like that (and I know many perfectly ordinary people who live this way) you will be captivated like Mary was, who hung on every word that Jesus uttered or, like Martha, you will boldly make your worries known to him, opening your heart sincerely about them all, no matter how little they may be."

"Our Lord said. Only one thing is necessary: personal holiness. This is the secret of the joy we bring to the world, the sowing of peace we carry out in every sector of society." The desire for holiness, seeking the Kingdom of God and his justice, must be first among our intentions. "All that, which is worrying you at present, is of relative importance. -What is of absolute importance is that you be happy, that you be saved."
