Thursday, December 21, 2023

Dec 22 Fri - O Antiphons: O King of the Gentiles and the Desired of all

 O Antiphons: Dec 22 Fri
O King of the Gentiles and the Desired of all, you are the cornerstone that binds two into one. Come, and save poor man whom you fashioned out of clay.
The Savior is near; he is at the door. Twenty centuries have gone by since the first Christmas, and still there are nations and peoples awaiting the Messiah.

We are the soldiers and messengers of this king. All power in heaven and on earth belongs to him, and he has given us the mission to teach all people and bring them into his kingdom. St. Josemaría writes: “our Lord wants to be placed once more at the summit of all human activities. We are asked in a special way for this service, this help in ensuring that throughout the world there are even more abundant fruits of the Redemption, which is the only true freedom for man. We are working with this hope and this responsibility." The war of peace and love that we are engaged in is certain to be a long and demanding one. Yet victory is assured. God always conquers: He does not lose battles.

Our apostolic hunger must encompass even those who are completely estranged from God. We will bring God's light to those who do not know him, if we feed the flame of our own faith with the oil of charity. “Love everyone, be charitable to everyone, offer friendship to everyone. …Yet we should never speak to anyone about our faith if that person doesn't want us to."

Yet on seeing how you live, these people often ask themselves, and then ask you, about the interior strength that explains our joy. Then you speak to them about God, about your love for Christ, about your own wretchedness, and the wonders of grace that inspire you to be faithful. And you have often seen how God, who guides hearts, has used your words to move their hearts.

Our apostolic activity is always positive. By virtue of our mission, we are “sowers of peace and joy. The members of Opus Dei try to drown evil in an abundance of good. Thus, their work is never negative or "anti-" anything. It is affirmative and optimistic; it is youth, joy and peace."

“And thus, gently but firmly, without yielding in our behavior or in doctrine, the charity of Christ that we try to incorporate into our lives will give us a spirit of conquest, and every day our thirst for souls will increase."

Our apostolic horizons are unlimited. They embrace all people, those who know Christ and those who do not. With this universal perspective, we ask our Lady to kindle an apostolic spirit in our hearts, so that each day we may experience an increase in our hunger to work for souls.
