Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Dec 21 Thu - O Antiphons: O Rising Dawn, radiance of the light eternal, and sun of justice.

 O Antiphons: Dec 21 Thu
O Rising Dawn, radiance of the light eternal, and sun of justice.
Lord, you are coming bringing light and warmth to our life. When you come, it will be said: The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and for those who sat in the region and shadow of death light has dawned.

As radiance of the light eternal, Christ brings the splendor of truth to the world, and the clarity of supernatural light to our minds.
As the sun of justice, he burns with that fire which –as he told his disciples– he longs to spread through the entire world.

Let us prepare our souls to receive these divine gifts eagerly. The supernatural life which Christ brings is a participation in his own life: a sharing in his knowledge and love. Thus, we become partakers of the divine nature.

Christ's light enables us to see things and events supernaturally, the way he looks at them. How different our life then appears! Unexpected occurrences and changes of plan no longer upset us. Whatever happens is seen in its true dimension and meaning. We discover the reality of the ‘omnia in bonum’, the truth that all things work out well for us. Our outlook becomes more positive; we are no longer tempted to pessimism, since we now discover God's hand in everyone and everything.

“My children, see God behind every event and circumstance. Then, from everything that happens, you will draw more love for God, and greater desires to respond to his grace. He is always waiting for us, and he gives us the chance to renew our eagerness to serve, ‘serviam’, continually."

Christ's supernatural light, which instills peace and calm into our hearts, also brings us a superabundance of love: a warmth, a fire, that enkindles our hearts and enables us to love God and other people for his sake.

Each of us must strive to be light and fire. Our love must be a flame that sets fire to everything it touches, raising the spiritual temperature of our surroundings. No one should be able to say of us: “Your charity is ostentatious. From afar, you attract; you have light. From nearby you repel; you lack warmth. What a pity!"

To avoid this, we need to struggle to practice charity, and truly be friends of our friends. “For a Christian, a child of God, friendship and charity are one and the same thing: they are a divine light giving warmth."

We ask our Lady, Stella Matutina, the Morning Star –who announces the arrival of Christ, the Sun of Justice– to help us grow in supernatural outlook and love.
