Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Dec 6 Wed - The virtue of holy purity


Dec 6 Wed

In the Last Supper, Our Lord bent down to wash the disciples’ feet, indicating the cleanliness of heart necessary to sit at table with the Lord.


The virtue of holy purity, which draws us into intimacy with God; it requires a sensitive response to God's love. Although God's grace will always assist us, on our part, we have to fight. Sensuality and laziness must not be allowed to rule over us.


“And now I ask you, how are you facing up to this battle? You know very well that a fight which is kept up from the very beginning is a fight already won. Get away from danger as soon as you are aware of the first sparks of passion, and even before. Also, speak about it at once to the person who directs your soul. Better still, talk about it beforehand, if possible, because if you open your heart wide, you will not be defeated. One such act after another leads to the forming of a habit, a good inclination, and ends up making things easy. That is why we have to struggle to make this virtue a habit, making mortification a habit so that we do not reject the Love of Loves."


If the winds of temptation blow, if you stumble when confronted by temptation; look to the Star of the Sea, call out to Mary. If the waves of pride, ambition or envy tug at your heart, call on Mary. If anger, avarice or impurity endanger the course of your soul’s journey, look to Mary.


If you are disturbed by the memory of your sins, confused with the ugliness of your conscience, fearful in the face of judgment, or you begin to sink into the bottomless pit of sadness or into the abyss of despair, think of Mary. In every danger, moment of anguish or doubt, invoke Mary. May her name be ever on your lips and engraved on your heart too. Never stray from the example of her virtue, so that you may always gain her help as an intercessor.


You will not go off the path if you follow her; you will not fall into discouragement if you beg her. You will never be lost if you think about her. With her taking you by the hand, you will not stay down if you fall. With her protection, you will have nothing to fear. You will not lose strength, for she is your guide. You will reach a safe haven happily, if you rely on her as your closest helper.


Today we will offer her a white lily, ‘the Annunciation lily’, symbol of Mary's immaculate purity, the white lily of your chastity.



- Apply human means to live purity: avoid occasions of sin, guarding the senses, the eyes…

- Supernatural means: Prayer, The Eucharist, Confession, and an ardent devotion to our Lady.

