Thursday, December 14, 2023

Dec 15 Fri - Bring the message with your good example and truthful words


Dec 15 Fri
Jesus is the Good Shepherd; he sets us an example of holy meekness, caring for the sheep. But he is also a King who rules and “separates” the sheep from the goats. He also set us a very clear example of holy intransigence in the things of God. Our Lord refused to yield when his heavenly Father's honor or the good of souls was at stake. Nor can we yield when confronted by ideas contrary to the teaching of the Church: to do so would be false charity. We must reject all human respects when it's a matter of defending God's interests.

We need to be good teachers, ready to explain the truth boldly in every situation. As St. Josemaría wrote: “false teachers are afraid of getting to the bottom of things. They get uneasy at the very idea, never mind the obligation, of having to use a painful antidote when circumstances require it. You can be quite sure that in such an attitude there is no prudence: and no piety or good sense either. It reflects instead a timid disposition, a lack of responsibility, foolishness and stupidity. These are the people who will afterwards panic at the sight of disaster, and try to stop the evil when it is already too late. They forget that the virtue of prudence demands that we find out and pass on in good time the calm advice that comes from maturity, long experience, unhindered vision and unhampered speech."

We have to bear the message of our good example and truthful words throughout the whole world, even though some, perhaps due to comfort-seeking, may not be open to it. In History, often the saints, with by their example and word, were a continual source of unease for consciences compromised by sin.

Yet our holy intransigence towards error can never become bitter, intemperate zeal. We should always try to spread doctrine in a cheerful, attractive way.

It is true that “for those who don't want to lead a clean life, our care in guarding our heart will necessarily be like a reproach, a spur that doesn't let them give up the fight or fall asleep. This is all for the good: a¬¬ son of mine who doesn't want to provoke such reactions in souls around him, who always wants to be the "nice guy", cannot avoid becoming himself an offender against God. For he becomes an accomplice in the wrong-doings of others."

By our fortitude and clear example, we'll want the best for everyone: to bring them closer to God. Thus, we will follow St John Chrysostom's advice: “when you find an enemy of the truth, strive to cure him. Look after him, doing everything possible to restore him to health. Give him the example of your irreproachable life, present him with an irrefutable argument. Leave no stone unturned in your efforts to help him."

This is the divine wisdom we need. With renewed trust, we ask our Mother to obtain it for us: Our Lady. Seat of Wisdom, pray for us!
