Saturday, December 23, 2023

Dec 24 Sun - Next to the crib, where God was born, we consider: God has sent his Son into the world to recover what was lost, to save, and to forgive.

 Dec 24 Sun
Next to the crib, where God was born, we consider: God has sent his Son into the world to recover what was lost, to save, and to forgive. This is why his birth is so simple, lest we, filled with wretchedness, be terrified at God's power. Instead, we are won over by his love. We see him in his Mother's arms, wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a poor manger.

What are we to do on this day when people celebrate the birth of Christ? First of all, we must pray as God's children.
When someone is in Christ, everything dirty, everything old, everything that stains, everything that hurts, all disappear. And tonight God, through his Mother, will send us new graces to help us grow in love as children of God.

“We must ask God for the ability to discern what gives him glory, and what offends him; to know what works for people's good, and what is a damage for them; what will make us happy, and what will destroy our happiness –both eternal happiness and the relative happiness we can attain here on earth."

“How grateful we should be to Jesus, this Brother of ours who made us children of the Father. Have you seen how your own little brothers and sisters, or those tiny children of your relatives, need all kinds of things from everyone? The Baby Jesus is like that. It is good to think of him like that, defenseless. He is the Almighty, he is God, and yet he has made himself a helpless, vulnerable Child in need of our love."

“We have to pray always –always. We must feel the need to go to God, after every success, and every failure in our interior life. Especially in times of failure, let us humbly go back and tell him: ‘In spite of everything, you are still my Father!’ Let us play the role of the prodigal son."

Why should we always pray? Because God will listen to us.

“And how are we going to pray? I give you two good resolutions for tonight. First of all, offer a prayer of THANKSGIVING. Thank God the Father. Thank Jesus, who became a Child because of our sins, and gave himself over to suffering, for us… thanksgiving in spite of our wretchedness and sins."

Then, there is PETITION. What should we request? What does a child ask of his father? - Daddy... the moon! … We asked our parents for everything. Ask God for the moon and he will give it to you. Ask him boldly for everything you want; He will always give it to you, in one way or another. Ask confidently.
But seek first what works for God's glory, and everything that souls have a right to: whatever unites, whatever improves them. Then he will give us everything else in addition
May you have a happy Christmas feast May God bless you.
