Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Dec 28 Thu - Life after Birth

 Dec 28 Thu
Life after Birth
Twins, a sister and brother were talking to each other inside the womb.
The little sister said to the little brother: ‘I believe that there is life after birth!’

Her brother protested: ‘No, no, this is all there is.’ This is a dark and cozy place, and we have nothing else to do but to cling on to the cord that feeds us.’

But the little girl insisted: ‘There must be something more than this dark place; there must be something else where there is light and freedom to move.’
Still, she could not convince her twin brother.

Then...after some silence, she said hesitantly: ‘I have something else to say, and I am afraid you won’t believe that either, but I think there is a mother!’

Her little brother now became furious: ‘A mother, a mother… what are you talking about? I have never seen a mother and neither have you. Who put that idea in your head? As I told you, this place is all we have, all there is, so let’s accept it.’

The little sister finally said: ‘Don’t you feel this pressure sometimes? It’s really unpleasant and sometimes even painful.’

‘Yes,’ he answered, ‘what’s special about that?’

‘Well,’ the sister said, ‘I think this pressure we fell, is there to get us ready for another place, much more beautiful than this, where we will see our mother face to face! … Don’t you think that’s exciting!
After this, they were born.

Moral: Faith in the Immortality of the soul.
Faith in the afterlife.
Life, and everything in it, is a preparation for eternity

We owe our parents so much, and in human terms we can never repay them. They gave us life. Often, they were the ones who “sowed in our hearts the first seeds of faith, piety and vocation. It is only right that we should try to repay all the vigilance, concern and sacrifices they have made on our behalf." By our prayer, mortification and deeds, we can win for them supernatural riches that will last throughout eternity.

If we live by what we believe, we shall travel along the paths of the earth with our eyes fixed on eternal life, since “we know that, if the earthly tent we live in, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."

To reach our heavenly dwelling, we need to use all the human means available, regardless of the cost. There is no possible comparison between the effort required of us - limited, and only for a certain number of years - and the infinite reward which is forever.

“Let us ask Holy Mary, Spes Nostra, our hope, to kindle in us a holy desire that we may all come together to dwell in the house of the Father. … Our Lord will lead us there with his grace, and he will send a good wind to carry our ship to the bright shores of our destination."
