Monday, December 25, 2023

Dec 26 Tue - Simplicity in prayer

 Dec 26 Tue
As a fruit of this Christmas, we want to treat Jesus with simplicity, with an intimacy that does not diminish, with much affection in the smallest details, knowing that there, the Lord accompanies us.

Every day, we want to have an intimate conversation with Him, to have a constant presence of Jesus, we want Him to be our King, who longs to reign in our hearts, as we have become children of God.  To say to a person: "you are my King", means to say: "I am at your command". It means that "your wishes are my command"; it means that "I want to do what you want me to do" ...., Today, we want to tell Jesus, in his crib in Bethlehem: “You are my King, and also my physician; let me touch you every day in the Eucharist.”

Bethlehem is an image of the Eucharist; in there, Jesus is born every time he comes to the altar, and to our heart. Let us go to the divine doctor, teacher and friend, and show ourselves without hiding ourselves in anonymity, and open our heart without hiding the symptoms, showing our weaknesses, … and let him do, let him act as a doctor in our soul: "Lord, this is happening to me"....

This sincere encounter with Jesus –recognizing our limitations– is prayer. It is the prayer of spiritual nakedness; it is going directly to the Lord. There, we are not afraid of recognizing ourselves as we are, because, deep down, true prayer is always showing ourselves to him.

To say: "Lord, this happens to me!", means to say: I am not afraid to recognize myself as I am, because I have the fullness of your acceptance. To know that the Lord loves me as I am, makes me feel splendidly, very comfortable; therefore, I want to show myself as I am. He is my Master, with a science that only He possesses. I want to give unlimited love to my God, every day.

Let us turn to our Mother Mary, Refuge of sinners, who stays with Christ at the foot of the Cross, and ask her to remove the obstacles, to fill us with sorrow for our sins. With a serious resolution, let us give ourselves cheerfully, so that we can cooperate in the work of salvation for which Jesus, her Son, died on the Cross.
