Thursday, December 7, 2023

Dec 8 Fri - Mary brings us to Jesus


Dec 8 Fri

Our Lady’s prayer and petition goes up in a constant stream to God like the sweet perfume of a rose. The fragrant aroma of her prayer is stirred by the breeze of our petition, and even by the stormy winds that blow throughout the world. She joins our thanksgiving and petition to her own, and presents them to the Father through Jesus Christ her Son.


Our Lord himself learned from his Mother many prayers that had been passed down from generation to generation among the people of Israel. We too may recall prayers that we learned from our own mothers. Our Lady’s example encourages us to deepen our prayer. … ‘Mary treasured up all these sayings, and reflected on them in her heart.’ Let us try to imitate her in talking to Our Lord. We can converse about everything that happens to us, even the most insignificant incidents, like two people in love." St. Josemaría.


How easy it is to love Mary, since no more lovable creature ever existed! Mary is like the smile from the Most High bent upon us. There is no defect or imperfection in her. She is not far removed from our own experience, but very much attuned to our everyday life. She knows of our vacillations, our concerns and our needs. May we have no fear of going too far in our affection for her!


We need only invoke her name. The demons tremble at its mere utterance. And Mary, like all mothers, finds special joy in coming to help those of her children who are most in need.


“If we have this filial contact with Mary, we won’t be able to think just about ourselves and our problems. Selfish personal problems will find no place in our mind. Mary brings us to Jesus."


“Be daring. Count on the help of Mary, Queen of Apostles. Without ceasing to be a mother, our Lady is able to get each of her children to face their own responsibilities. Mary always does the immense favor of bringing us close to the Cross, of placing us face to face with the example of the Son of God, those who come close to her and contemplate her life. Facing this challenge, is how Christian life is decided. And here Mary intercedes for us so that our choice may be wise and lead to a reconciliation of the younger brother – you and me – with the firstborn Son of the Father."


“Many conversions, many decisions to give oneself to the service of God have been preceded by an encounter with Mary. Our Lady has encouraged us to look for God, to desire to change, to be useful, to lead a new life. And so, her counsel ‘Do whatever he tells you’ has turned into real self-giving, into a Christian vocation, which from then on enlightens all our personal life."

This personal conversion will be like a red rose offered to our Mother.


Resolution from this Novena: To live always very close to our Mother Mary.

