Saturday, December 30, 2023

Dec 31 Sun - As the year ends, think of the last judgement


Dec 31 Sun
As the year ends, let us think that, at the end of the world, there will be the last judgement, when Christ will come to judge all the living and the dead. Then the true worth of our life will be seen by Christ and all humanity.

There will also be the particular judgement at the very moment of death. Then, everything will come to light before Christ's tribunal, even the smallest things we have done: thoughts, words and deeds.

But God will also take into account the words uttered and external deeds we have done for his glory, to draw souls closer to him: How we served others, or were demanding on ourselves, the opportunities that perhaps we let slip because of our comfort-seeking or scant love.

What will we be able to say on that day, when we face our Lord and our Judge? We feel the weight of so many omissions and shortcomings. And so, we ask Jesus now to change our heart, cleanse it, and make it like his own.

The thought of the particular judgement should spur us to contrition, to a renewed eagerness to fulfill God's most lovable will at every moment.

Yet Our Mother the Church encourages us to focus on our daily struggles and respond more faithfully to our Christian vocation, rather than fearing judgment. She wants us to have a clear idea of our end, and to help us strive upwards every day.

Christ will not be an unknown judge for us. We have the immense good fortune of being among the chosen friends of the One who is to judge us. And each day our friendship grows stronger. By fulfilling our norms of piety, our small mortifications, our acts of love, our constant apostolate, we increasingly identify ourselves with him. Despite our faults and offenses, we are more in love with Jesus, and more determined to dedicate ourselves to his service.

“Our Guardian Angel always accompanies us as our principal witness. At your particular judgement, he will remember the kind deeds you performed for our Lord throughout your life. Furthermore, when you may feel lost, before the enemy's terrible accusations, your Angel will present those good desires of your heart –which perhaps you yourself might have forgotten– those proofs of love for God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. That is why you must never forget your Guardian Angel, and that Prince of Heaven shall not abandon you now, or at that decisive moment."

We view the moment of our judgement with hope and confidence, trying to please Jesus. Our Mother Mary will be present, providing protection and support, as she always has done, and Saint Joseph too. Our Lady will say good things about us with motherly affection always.
