Saturday, February 11, 2023


According to a posthumous book recently published of Pope Benedict XVI, “Jesus celebrated Passover with his family, that is to say with the apostles, who had become his new family.”
“Thus, he complied with a precept according to which pilgrims who went to Jerusalem could join together in companies called ‘chaburot.’
The Christians continued this tradition. We are his ‘chaburah,’ his family, which he has formed from his company of pilgrims who travel the road of the Gospel along with him through the land of history.”
“Thus, celebrating the Eucharist in the ancient Church was from the beginning linked to the community of believers and, hence, subject to strict conditions of access.”
Lord, help me understand the real meaning of communion, that “love” is not just a noun, a concept, but that love is, above all, a verb, an action.
Today, Our Lady of Lourdes. She intercedes to cure her children. Let us ask her to cure the sickness of the Church. Or, to be precise, let ask Our Lady of Lourdes, united to the pope, that she cures the sickness, the doctrinal and moral confusion, that affect so many in the Church.