Saturday, February 18, 2023


The more I look at her picture, the more she seems to be telling me, “My child, are you sure you are in the right track of mind?... That your plans are the plans of my Son for you? … That your dreams are my dreams for you?
Do you accept to run along the straight road, the narrow path leading to Paradise?
My child, answer these questions yourself, and make the appropriate moves.”
The Apostles answered Christ's personal directives one by one. Their initial generous response was by no means the end of the story. In fact, it was just the beginning of a far more important task: that of their progressive incorporation into Christ, culminating in complete union with him.
This is the adventure we are always engaged in. “Our life is simple and ordinary. Yet, if you live according to the demands of our spirit, it will also be heroic. Sanctity is never a mediocre thing; our Lord didn't call us with the idea of making the way to him any easier or less heroic.” (St Josemaría)
Think of this: There is a wonderful world there, waiting for you. Do not let it pass by.
Picture: Our Lady del Buon Aiuto (of the Powerful Help), based on a 14th century Roman fresco, with ex-voto(s) attached, crowns and necklaces.