Sunday, February 12, 2023


God’s calling to a Christian demands a continuing response. The call that we heard as Christians, one day, is not a distant echo, lost in the mists of memory. Each day we must find the best way of serving God; we must be on the lookout to discover his will behind everything that happens to us.
It is in the things of every day that God awaits us; it is there that he calls us; and it is there that we respond to Him. “If doing the same thing day after day seems monotonous and unappealing, it's because love is missing. When there is love, every new day has a different hue, a different tone; each day strikes a different chord.” (St Josemaría)
The Child Jesus looks very Filipino; his little lips are pouting as if pointing out Filipino style. Probably, pointing what direction He wants you to go. My joke.
Second Sunday of St. Joseph