Thursday, February 2, 2023


Today, the Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple, we should imitate the unconditional dedication of Jesus Christ to the Will of God.
We never have sufficient reason to be proud. In our day, looking also at the example of our Lady, this fact becomes clearer than ever. She deserves every privilege in heaven and on earth, yet Mary comes to the Temple just as any other woman.
When we strive to be humble, we can feel the amazing power of God acting, building on our weakness; and we know that we are never more powerful than when we rely only on God.
We must follow with docility the interior inspirations which the Holy Spirit causes in our souls. Sometimes this happens in little things: accepting serenely the sacrifices asked of us in our work or in the effort to live amiably with others; choosing something which is not to our taste, or taking for ourselves some task or place which is not our preference...
Christ is truly our LIGHT, our life and resurrection, our peace and strength, our triumph and our certain hope. With Him we can live again!