Saturday, February 4, 2023


God wants us to acknowledge our sins and not hide our iniquities from him. Sincerity is the first step towards repentance.
We have all sinned; and we all have faults and imperfections that distance us from God. we should acknowledge our contrition, together with King David: I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me.
The sacrifice that pleases God is a contrite heart.
God has given us so much, and he is going to demand a lot of us. Given that God's faithful love for us is so very great, so abundant and generous, no infidelity on our part can be considered small.
We must not be afraid to call sins by their name, however many years we may have spent serving God. We cannot allow ourselves to do things that are wrong and say they are holy.
Tomorrow, we begin the Seven Sundays of St. Joseph