Sunday, February 19, 2023


This is a call to live what you have received in baptism. “I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”: the formula immerses every Christian in the source of the Trinity.
This is a call to devotion to the Trinity, a calling to "Love" [1 Jn 4:8-16]. Live with Them there within, in the heaven of your soul. God the Father will cover you with His shadow [cf. Mt 17:5; Lk 1:35], interposing a kind of cloud between you and the things of the earth, to keep you all for Himself, and He will communicate His power to you so that you may love Him with a love as strong as death [Song of Solomon 8:6].
The Son will engrave on your soul, as on a crystal, the image of his beauty, so that you may be pure with his purity and luminous with his light.
The Holy Spirit will transform you into a mysterious lyre which, at his divine touch, will sing in silence a magnificent song of Love. Then you will be "the praise of his glory," what you and I should dream of being on earth.
Here on earth, the Blessed Trinity cannot be understood fully, but can be lived in depth.