Monday, February 20, 2023


The word “understanding,” in personal relationships, could sometimes hint only one of its aspects: that of not being surprised by others’ defects and faults. But if this were the case, we would not fully grasp the meaning of that point from The Way: “Charity does not consist so much in ‘giving’ as in ‘understanding.’”
The understanding that is the fruit of charity, of love, is “comprehensive,” it “sees,” first of all, not the defects or faults, but the virtues and good qualities of others.
I remember a meditation preached by Don Javier in which he forcefully and affectionately exhorted us “not to see people through their defects, but through their virtues.” Love makes us see, with joy, what is positive in others. “We need to rejoice in the prosperity of our neighbor as well as in our own.” This is the complete opposite of seeing others with that dark sin of envy, which is sadness for the good others possess. (Msgr. Ocariz)
Illustration: Holy Family with St John Baptist and St Anne. Inspired in Bronzino.