Tuesday, February 21, 2023


Our answer to God's call should be more generous every day. What a pity, if we were ever tempted to rest on our laurels, and to settle for what we have achieved so far. For the laborers are few, and the harvest plentiful.
Our apostolate is a sea without shores, and there are so few souls in the world who want to serve God! Imagine what would happen if those of us who are willing to serve were to be half-hearted about it.
Let us turn to Mary, asking her to help us be generous. Here I am, determined on this occasion not to let time pass like water over the rocks, without leaving a trace. I'll let myself be drenched and transformed; this time I won't hesitate to give myself.
Illustration: Adoration of the Child with St peter and other saints, by Carlo Crivelli.