Monday, February 6, 2023

God is a loving Father who doesn't want us to live out in the cold, exposed to the elements. We are not fighting alone; ours is not the sad struggle of a person abandoned by fortune, who never finds a helping hand or hears a word of encouragement.
We are children, and we have a family, a place of safety where we can regain our strength, so that we can set out on our way once more with renewed enthusiasm.
By God's will, family life at home plays an important role in our sanctification and our apostolic effectiveness. Consequently, no matter how many other things we have to do, we make sure we take special care of our family life. God gives us the warmth of a home as a means to our holiness, and we must make full use of it.
God made us salt and light for our family and friends. Those who have truly encountered Jesus cannot remain silent, cannot close in on themselves. Like Mary, they must open the doors and share him with the whole world.