Thursday, February 16, 2023


An intelligent man distinguishes what is God’s will from what is not, what is only his own greed, laziness, or sensuality.
This leads him to ponder –first– and then to proclaim and to fulfill the will of God.
Prudence, finally, leads him to live constantly turning towards the will of God and not to other attractions.
And to those who are weak God says: “Come, eat my Body, the bread that is the nourishment of virtue, and makes you divine. For I have miraculously mingled my divinity with my blood for your salvation.”
Illustration: The icon of the “Mother of God Значение” (znamenie, The Sign) belongs to the group of the Orans (Praying), from the 11th – 12th century. One of the most revered icons in Russia. Our Mother manifests us always a sign, the sign of Her mercy and intercession, for she carries the Son of God in her pure womb.