Friday, February 3, 2023


The Catholic belief proposes that freedom is the cause of faith, because one believes only if one freely wants to believe. The Second Vatican Council itself clearly expresses that no one can be forced to believe: "By faith man gives himself entirely and freely to God, freely assenting".
In the lap of the Blessed Virgin, contemplating the Infant Jesus who came to give his life for us, we will dream of the dreams of God's children, and with her intercession they will be fulfilled sooner, more, and better.
Let us trust fully in Jesus. It does not matter if he needs our wealth to achieve this, for what good does it do us to gain the whole world if in the end we lose our soul?
As Mary and Joseph offered to the Lord those two little turtle-doves, and then, they had to cut and run to Egypt, we should learn to join our poor offerings to those of Christ, to join our prayers with His prayers, our tears with His tears, our sacrifice with His sacrifice. Thus, something of little value will acquire an infinite worth.