Thursday, December 1, 2022


Generosity of Our Lady. “Behold the Handmaid of the Lord…” She gives herself totally to implement God’s Will. She accepts everything that the Lord is asking from her. Like her, I want that any occasion, or person, or plans recede to the second place in order to do what God is asking me to do. No excuses. No time to think it over from that moment. Jesus should be the reason for which I live.
Like her, I want to live generosity in the great things but also in the little things of my everyday life. I want to throw away any thought of egoism.
Mother, help me to give to God the best of my life.
My resolutions for today:
1. To ask Our Lady light to see what God wants from me and to have the courage to accomplish it.
2. More spirit of service to others. Specifically, having some details of generosity with the people close to me.
Illustration: Immaculate Conception by Tiepolo.